One day, I decided to take a trip.

I’m not sure what made me do it to be honest. I was almost finished with college, and apparently decided it was time to go somewhere. In the back of my mind I must have had heard that Nantucket (a small island off the coast of Massachusetts), was an interesting place - lots of history, lots of beauty, lots of food. So I went. I mean, why not?

I had virtually no experience at all in traveling. To this day I’m still not sure how I made it. I printed out the MapQuest instructions from my parents house and started on the journey one cool October morning. I dragged my 800 pound, rickety old bike over to the island and instantly fell in love. With the island, with travel…with life.

Since that day, I have been traveling every opportunity I have - sometimes alone, sometimes with my friend John (co-owner of this site), and most recently with my beautiful wife. All of us have been taking photographs, exploring new cultures, building new businesses, reading books, and enjoying all that this amazing, incredible world has for us to discover and enjoy.

And today, we want more than anything to share that with you.

As this beautiful blue planet becomes more and more accessible, and our culture and careers move more and more towards a “gig economy”, there are more opportunities than ever to position yourself to offer your talents to the world, in exchange for the opportunity to see all that it has to offer.

This site is inspired by one of our favorite quotes, one most often mis-attributed to Mark Twain :

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

That is what this site is about. Learning how to do just that. Leaving behind not only the safe calm waters of our home towns, but of our lives, our careers and the limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves - and embracing with a passion the few years we are so blessed with, to enjoy all that this incredible world has to offer.

Lots of sites will show you great pictures, and write nice articles about places that you might see, someday, if you’re lucky - but Leave the Harbor is here to combine the mindset of someone that is willing to really throw off the bow lines, to jump into a life that you never thought could actually be yours, one that will let you live out your talents and your passions all the while affording you the opportunity to see things you’ve only ever dreamed of seeing.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us today - you might just be amazed at what you find!