Pro Travel Package (4-7 days) - US


Pro Travel Package (4-7 days) - US

Sale Price:$79.95 Original Price:$99.95

Planning a standard vacation up to one week in duration? This is the plan for you!

Send us your destination, dates, budget, and goals, and we’ll put together a multiple-page customized summary specifically for your trip with travel recommendations, activities, restaurants, accommodations, transportation and tips to help make your trip a success.

This package is intended for trips from 4-7 days, inside the US, and will include at least one recommendation for each of the categories listed above.

This is our standard travel package and intended for a more in-depth destination review and will provide a great foundation and general outline for most of your trip!

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With this fully personalized Professional travel package you will receive the following :

  1. In depth information regarding the destination you are traveling to.

  2. Recommendations on where to stay, and why, based on your preferences.

  3. List of the best and most cost effective ways to travel to and from the destination, including current airline prices & recommendations.

  4. List of top restaurants, cafes & bars in the area, based on actual reviews and research, and a top pick with contact info.

  5. List and description of top activity or sightseeing options, based on your preferences.

  6. Tips, tricks, and “must-sees” and visitor information, if available.

  7. Fully executable itinerary for your time away, based on your preferences.

  8. Any other great stuff we can find for you to enhance your travel experience.