Top 3 Reasons to Travel NOW!

“I dunno, maybe someday we will get there. When we have more time. When we have more savings. When the kids are gone. Yeah I’ve been meaning to check that place out. “

How many of these lines have you heard before in reference to travel? Worse yet, how many of them have you used or said yourself? While we are in no way in favor of being fiscally irresponsible or a proponent of bad choices, here are three reasons we think that you should consider moving up your travel plans just a bit.

1. Life doesn’t get any less complicated or inexpensive.

If you have been putting off traveling until things “settle down” in life or you have less bills to pay, you may end up waiting literally forever to go anywhere. As anyone that’s made it past their teen years and out in the “real world” knows, life in general gets busier and busier and more and more complicated the more time goes on. While there is certainly something to be said for an empty nest and your retirement years, there is no guarantee of those things either. Time is never on your side, so stop pretending it will switch to your team if you just wait long enough.

Run run run, busy busy busy.

Run run run, busy busy busy.

2. The world is changing every day.

Ask anyone that had the Notre Dame Cathedral on their bucket list last year, how they feel about being able to visit there today. With places like Venice slowly sinking into the sea, once pristine and quiet destinations becoming a tourist madhouse (Iceland), and travel restrictions changing by the year, seeing something “some time in the future” isn’t always a guarantee. Make a list of your top destination desires and rank them by susceptibility to a changing world. Start considering those as your next trip!

The canals of Venice, and the homes on unstable foundations.

The canals of Venice, and the homes on unstable foundations.

3. The dollar is strong (for now).

On some of our first trips overseas to the EU, I can remember one US dollar only getting around 3/4 of a Euro. As of the date of this writing (May 2019), you get nearly ninety cents for one US Dollar. This can be a huge benefit to overseas travel which is already inherently expensive. Take advantage of the strong currency now (if you are a US traveler that is), and maximize your spendings.

The US dollar remains strong, for now.

The US dollar remains strong, for now.

As always, if you need help in traveling, planning or in business, were are here to help! Check out our online store and see what we can help you with today!